Deadline extended to End of October: Call for Papers: Special Issue in physica status solidi (b) Gallium Oxide and Related Materials
The next conference, IWGO6 will take place in Washington D.C. area, in August 2026,
Chair: Marko Tadjer, NRL.
IWGO 2024 – May 26 – 31
From 26th to 31st May, the biannual International Workshop on Gallium Oxide and Related Materials (IWGO 2024) took place at the spectacular Palais and Kesselhaus am Kulturbrauerei in Berlin. The fifth chapter of the premier international forum was organized by GraFOx and managed by the Pauld Drude-Institut für Festkörperelektronik PDI and the Leibniz-Institut für Kristallzüchtung (IKZ) — which focuses on the creation and exploration of oxide systems for new generations of electronic devices.
Over the course of 6 days, 219 participants from 24 countries attended IWGO 2024, including 147 general participants and 72 students, alongside 9 exhibitors and 8 sponsors from Japan, Germany, China, Korea, the United States, and Finland. The packed program ranged in topic from processing to theory/modelling, including characterization, polymorphism, bulk growth, and devices, and featured three keynote lectures, 19 invited talks, 65 contributed talks, a rump session, and more than 150 posters in three poster sessions. This 5th chapter of the IWGO workshop saw a significant increase in submissions compared to previous years, with a total of 241 submitted abstracts. The lively workshop successfully brought together scientists and engineers working on all aspects of materials and device technology.
Please see the related statistics:

Scientific Program of the Conference
- Bulk growth
- Epitaxial thin film growth
- Characterization of structural, electronic, and optical properties
- Theory, modelling and simulation
- Electronic and photonic devices
- Material and device processing and fabrication techniques
Conference Co-Chairs
Oliver Bierwagen, Paul Drude Institute for Solid State Electronics

Martin Albrecht, Leibniz Institute for Crystal Growth
Past Workshops
IWGO-4 : At the SAIHOKUKAN HOTEL, Nagano, Japan, October 23-27, 2022.
IWGO-3 : The Ohio State University, Columbus, Ohio, USA, August 12-15, 2019.
IWGO-2 : Parma University, Parma, Italy, September 13-15, 2017.
IWGO-1 : Kyoto University, Kyoto, Japan, November 3-6, 2015.