Conference Program

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Keynote Lectures
- Andreas Popp, Institute for Crystal Growth, DE: Epitaxial Growth of β-Ga₂O₃ by MOVPE – A retrospective and outlook
- Masataka Higashiwaki, Osaka Metropolitan University/National Institute of Information and Communications Tech, JP: Ga₂O₃ device technologies for power and harsh environment
- Chris G. Van de Walle, University of California, Santa Barbara, USA: Controlling doping in Ga₂O₃ and related alloyselectronics
Invited Talks
- Zbigniew Galazka, Institute for Crystal Growth, DE: Bulk rutile-GeO₂ single crystals and wafers with extraordinary physical properties
- Akito Kuramata, Novel Crystal Technology Inc., JP: Recent Status of Ga₂O₃ Crystal Growth Development
- Elaheh Ahmadi, University of California, USA: Hybrid MBE for epitaxial growth of Si-doped ((Al)Ga)₂O₃ films
- Roberto Fornari, University of Parma, IT: Polymorphism in MOVPE-grown Ga₂O₃: analysis of nucleation and stable growth parameters for the κ phase
- Riena Jinno, University of Tokyo, JP: Selective Area Growth of α-Ga₂O₃ on Sapphire Substrates by Mist-CVD and its Thermal Stability
- Yoshinao Kumagai, Tokyo University of Agriculture and Technology, JP: Vapor-phase epitaxial growth of gallium oxide using Ga halides as source gases
- Darrell Schlom, Cornell University, USA: Growth of β-Ga₂O₃ and α-(AlxGa1-x)₂O₃ by Suboxide MBE at 1 µm/hr
- Esmat Farzana, Iowa State University, USA: Vertical β-Ga₂O₃ Diodes for High-voltage and Extreme Radiation Application
- Wenshan Chen, Paul Drude-Institut für Festkörperelektronik, DE: Cation incorporation and reaction kinetics for the MBE growth and Ge-based etching of (SnxGe1-x)O2 for 0 ≤ x ≤ 1
- Andrej Kuznetsov, University of Oslo, NOR: Disorder-induced ordering in gallium oxide polymorphs
- Matthew D. McCluskey, Washington State University, USA: Photoluminescence and Raman Mapping of Defects in β-Ga₂O₃
- Emmanouil Kioupakis, University of Michigan, USA: Rutile GeO₂ and GeSnO₂ Alloys: A New Family of Ultra-Wide-Band Semiconductors
- Laura Ratcliff, University of Bristol, UK: Tackling Disorder in γ-Ga₂O₃
- Uttam Singisetti, University of Buffalo, USA: Electron transport studies in gallium oxide and aluminum-gallium-oxide alloys
- Kornelius Tetzner, Ferdinand Braun Institute, DE: Recent advances in the process development of Gallium Oxide power transistors for high-voltage applications
- Jiandong Ye, Nanjing University, CN: Enhanced Avalanche in NiO/Ga₂O₃ Herojunction by Edge Termination Optimization
- Iuliia Zhelezova, University of Helsinki, FI: Vacancy defects in Si doped β-(Al,Ga)2O3
- Katie Gann, Cornell University, USA: Understanding Deactivation of Si Dopants in Implanted β-Ga2O3
- Amanda Wang, University of Michigan, USA: Mobility in SnO2 and GeO2 from first principles