GraFOx Network

Humboldt University Berlin (HUB)
Four research groups from HUB are involved in GraFOx, led by Professors Claudia Draxl, Saskia Fischer, Christoph Koch, and Ted Masselink. The groups are responsible for providing first principle calculation insights and performing transport, structural and electronic property measurements with atomic resolution. Prof. Draxl is coordinating GraFOx Cluster P Physical Properties with Prof. Rüdiger Goldhahn from the University of Magdeburg. Prof. Saskia Fischer is also a member of the GraFOx Board of Directors.

University of Leipzig
Prof. Marius Grundmann and Prof. Holger von Wenckstern from the University of Leipzig lead several projects at GraFOx, bringing their expertise in photodetectors working the UV-C range, encompassing fabrication and characterization of these devices. The university’s competency in thin film synthesis using a combinatorial growth approach via pulsed laser deposition, supports growth capabilities in the Leibniz institutes and the Helmholtz center, and enables rapid screening of large compositional spaces for materials at GraFOx. Prof. von Wenckstern co-leads the GraFOx Cluster X Exploratory Materials Research with Dr. Martin Albrecht from IKZ. Prof. Grundmann is also a member of the GraFOx Board of Directors.

Paul-Drude-Institut für Festkörperelektronik (PDI)
Paul-Drude-Institut für Festkörperelektronik (PDI), is part of the Forschungsverbund Berlin and a member of the Leibniz Association. PDI is a leading institute in the GraFOx network, engaged in overall management and organization in collaboration with IKZ. Dr. Oliver Bierwagen is part of the GraFOx scientific management team, along with Dr. Martin Albrecht (IKZ), Prof. Henning Riechert (retired) and Prof. Roman Engel-Herbert (PDI). Profs. Riechert and Engel-Herbert are members of the GraFOx Board of Directors, and Engel-Herbert serves as GraFOx speaker. PDI provides the GraFOx research community with binary and ternary oxide thin films grown by molecular beam epitaxy, and performs structural and electronic property measurements. Dr. Michael Hanke coordinates synchrotron radiation experiments at the PDI’s PHARAO Beamline at BESSY and several other European synchrotron facilities, Dr. Manfred Ramsteiner brings expertise in Raman spectroscopy and spin-based transport measurements, Dr. Oliver Bierwagen is PI on several GraFOx projects and leads the oxide thin film growth efforts at PDI. He also coordinates the GraFOx Cluster G Growth and Surfaces with Dr. Jutta Schwarzkopf (IKZ).

Leibniz-Institut für Kristallzüchtung (IKZ)
The Leibniz-Institut für Kristallzüchtung (Leibnitz Institute for Crystal Growth) complements the synthesis efforts within GraFOx by providing bulk single crystal oxides; either in their own right or as substrates for epitaxy. IKZ conducts thin film growth efforts using chemical vapor deposition approaches, and structural characterization with in-situ capabilities using transmission electron microscopy. Prof. Matthias Bickermann leads bulk melt-growth and wafering activities, Dr. Jutta Schwarzkopf grows oxide thin films by metalorganic vapor phase epitaxy, and Dr. Martin Albrecht performs transmission electron microscopy with in-operando capabilities to study functional responses of oxides with atomic resolution. These efforts are complemented by a comprehensive suite of electronic defect characterization capabilities and expertise. Dr. Martin Albrecht coordinates the GraFOx Cluster X Exploratory Materials Research with Prof. Holger von Wenckstein from the University of Leipzig. IKZ director Prof. Thomas Schröder is a member of the GraFOx Board of Directors.

Ferdinand-Braun-Institut für Höchstfrequenztechnologie (FBH)
The Ferdinand-Braun-Institut für Höchstfrequenztechnologie (FBH) brings their expertise in design, fabrication and prototype testing of devices developed from materials synthesized in GraFOx. Their expertise in developing and scaling up semiconductor processing technologies enables a rapid transition of new materials, thin films and heterostructure stacks into device architectures, to complement materials characterization metrics with device figure of merits. Dr. Kornelius Tetzner leads GraFOx Cluster D Devices with Prof. Catherine Dubourdieu from the Helmholtz-Zentrum Berlin. FBH director Prof. Günther Tränkle is a member of the GraFOx Board of Directors.

Helmholtz-Zentrum Berlin (HZB)
The Helmholtz-Zentrum Berlin (HZB) is a partnering Helmholtz Center within GraFOx. Dr. Veeresh Deshpande and Prof. Catherine Dubourdieu spearhead the development of atomic layer deposition processes for high-k dielectric integration with novel semiconducting oxides, and explore the suitability for materials developed within GraFOx for the application space of memristor devices. Prof. Dubourdieu leads GraFOx Cluster D Devices together with Dr. Kornelius Tetzner from FBH. She is also a member of the GraFOx Board of Directors

Fritz-Haber-Institute of Berlin (FHI)
The Fritz-Haber-Institute of Berlin (FHI) is an institute of the Max Planck-Society within GraFOx. Prof. Matthias Scheffler is a member of the GraFOx Board of Directors.

University of Magdeburg
Prof. Martin Feneberg and Prof. Rüdiger Goldhahn from the University of Magdeburg lead GraFOx groups that perform elementary optical excitations on oxide materials synthesized within GraFOx, and analyze linear optical responses using spectroscopic ellipsometry from the far infrared to the deep ultraviolet, as well as electrooptical effects. Prof. Goldhahn co-leads GraFOx Cluster P Physical Properties with Prof. Draxl from Humboldt University, and is also a member of the GraFOx Board of Directors.
Associated Partners

At the Technische Universität Berlin (TUB), Dr. Susi Lindner-Franz from Prof Mario Dähne’s group collaborates with the group led by Prof. Markus R. Wagner’s, supporting GraFOx thin film and bulk synthesis efforts with their expertise in scanning tunneling microscopy/spectroscopy and optical spectroscopy, respectively. The Department of Power Electronics led by Prof. Sybille Dieckerhoff collaborates with the FBH group and supports GraFOx by bringing their expertise in designing, fabricating and analyzing high-power electronic devices.

Drawing on their vast expertise in the gas sensing applications of semiconducting oxides, the group led by Prof. Udo Weimar and Dr. Nicolae Barsan at Eberhard-Karls-Universität Tübingen (UT) collaborates towards the practical application of the oxides investigated in GraFOx.

The workgroup Chemistry of Inorganic Materials at Ruhr-Universität Bochum (RUB), led by Prof. Anjana Devi develops and provides the precursors for MOCVD of complex oxides at IKZ.

Prof. Norbert Esser of the Leibniz-Institut für Analytische Wissenschaften (ISAS) closely collaborates with Prof. Goldhahn from University of Magdeburg, providing unique expertise in synchrotron-based ellipsometry to the GraFOx community.